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ProofMaster 6 Plus RIP (for printers up to 44" wide)

ProofMaster 6 Plus RIP (for printers up to 44" wide)
ProofMaster 6 Plus RIP (for printers up to 44" wide)
+ VAT 20%
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: 4016
  • Weight: 0.50kg


Affordable accuracy

ProofMaster is the leading proofing software for Macintosh and Windows systems. It uses an ICC device-link color matching module (CMM) - called VISU - to deliver the most accurate proofing profiles and spot color reproduction on a wide range of inkjet printers. ProofMaster is easy to use and affordable.

Superior color

ProofMaster comes with our Calibrator, which helps you create 100% accurate, professional ICC device-linked profiles in a simple 3-step wizard. Device-link profiling is the most accurate way of rendering color from one space to another. Those ICC device-link 

profiles make smart use of the CMY and K channels to deliver better results with less ink. ProofMaster supports all leading spectrophotometers used for proofing and inkjet production, as well as those connected to printers from Epson and HP.

Easy to use

With ProofMaster, it takes less than an hour to start producing proofs with Delta-e tolerances normally reserved for systems that cost five times as much. Use our own certified profiles or make new ones for your printer and media combination.

Cloud Technology

The ProofMaster Cloud is connected to every RIP, ensuring that profiles and settings are always securely stored, and job status is available. Making data availability simple, secure and always on.

Consistency assured

A proof can only be trusted if the Delta-e tolerances are visible. ProofMaster comes with proof certification that lets you print control strips from organisations such as UGRA, FOGRA or Idealliance, and measure them with a spectrophotometer. You can measure and certify proofs automatically on printers with attached spectrophotometers like the Epson P-Series. ProofMaster prints a QR code next to the media wedge, allowing smartphone users to instantly see the color tolerances achieved by the proofing system, keeping back-ups of certification values for 30 days in the cloud.

100% reliable, every time

Inkjet printers produce variable color. That color changes over time, from device-to-device. The only guarantee is there’s no guarantee what you’ll print. However, ProofMaster will review your printer’s output in real time and match it to a previous reference point, correcting your color automatically - which means you can print the same colour on any printer, anywhere. You can calibrate more than one printer to the same profile, with the kind of Delta-e tolerances you need to ensure that your proofs will match even if printed on a different printer.

Supported printers

ProofMaster is the only proofing product supporting this wide range of devices: 

Canon IPF/IPF Pro/W Series 

Epson Stylus Pro Series (X880 onwards) 

Epson SureColor P-Series / SureColor T-Series 

HP DesignJet Series 

Roland VS/XR Series 

For a full list visit:

Brand fidelity 

It’s hard to overestimate the value of reproducing your customers’ brand colors accurately. It’s the only color that actually matters. But thanks to our unique way of reproducing spot colors, you can be sure of always proofing the cleanest, most vibrant version of your spot colors possible. Our software will also show you the expected Delta-e tolerance of all your spot colors, and our color tuning function will let you print a range of variations - so that you can pick the closest visual match. Use the included Pantone colors, or make your own by referencing LAB or CxF data for the  most accurate color matching. Our ‘packaging friendly’ ProofMaster supports the very latest CxF/x-4 standards for measuring and communicating spot colors, and also allows for easy sharing of advanced measured data.

Multi-channel profiling

Extended Gamut or XG printing lets brand owners and their print partners print a wide range of colors with a fixed pallete of inks. ProofMaster supports ICC device-link profiling of up to eight colors. Packaging prototyping with ProofMaster is fast, easy and affordable for everyone. Designers can accurately proof ideas without making expensive wet proofs or mock-ups. 

ProofMaster Includes: 

• ProofMaster RIP with printer drivers 

• 10 desktop Layout seats 

• ProofMaster Calibrator 

• VISU™ multi-channel device-link profiling 

• CMYK device-link profile tuning 

• RGB device-link profiling 

• Printer re-calibration 

• Proof certification with QR code 

• CxF/X-4 spot colour support 

Download PDF Here